Friday 9 January 2015

Day 9: "It WILL Try to Kill You"

There is no such things as cramming when it comes to changing a behaviour. It takes a real choice followed by consistent action in line with that choice. Of course you can fail, stumble and even fall... but to get up and keep going is the sign of commitment.

When you take on the taming of a personal dragon it is wise to know you are not in a battle with the dragon because once this is over you will jump upon your dragons back and ride her into the new world.

My dragon is my need to be filled up by external 'things'. It has brought me all kinds of capabilities, passions, skills and awareness. Once I have tamed her these attributes will be reassigned to what is more true to do. I can already feel the difference. I am definitely working towards something way more important than 'stuff'. Patience and trust are the energies growing wings.

Today I spent most of my time working and then sleeping. I am very tired. I think a lot is going on emotionally and so therefore it is taking a toll on me physically. So prior to going to bed I asked my daughter to find a few things we can clear out as I am too tired to get up and do it. She brought six things for the gone-ski box. Brilliant!

What went out - 6 items

Thanks Miss Sammi for finding another 6 items . One wonders just how many 'things' will appear from her room. Might be like one of those clown cars. 

What came in - 0 items

Another trip to the supermarket to get food. We did brilliantly buying mostly only items on the shopping list. We added 6 nectarines, blueberries, pear, mushrooms, blue cheese, liquorice tea and chicken necks for the dog. Yes all impulse buys... must put more time into the list prior to leaving the house because the list was done standing in the car part prior to going in....way too rushed. 


(1) When your tired, rest
(2) Put time into your lists before you hit the shops
(3) Deviating from the list comes in two flavours - (1) demanding teenager or (2) forgetful adult. Feel the energy of the purchase. If it is on an end cap or check out stand it may even be the six year old priming for a tantrum. 

TOTAL: OUT - 295   IN - 4

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