I coined this phrase at work when holding meetings and watching people on their devices. I call attention to it as I point to my laptop, my personal iPhone 5 and my work iPhone 6 plus. We all laugh, but the truth is this distraction is disconnecting us from being present.
Distractions are a way to escape the discomforts of life. TV, alcohol, social media etc are all obvious ones. Being aware is the key. Like anything we do in life, awareness helps us navigate with intention.
Which brings me to todays 'Hans Christian Anderson' moment. Where does all the old tech go? In a box in our cupboard of course! You know the box. The one with the cords, old iPhones, broken (just in case) ear-buds, storage devices no one has readers for, floppy discs (no, really?!), and other stuff we don't know what it's used for. Have you got one of those?
Any-who... (change of subject)
The last two nights have been social nights out for us. We loved it. Dinner with great friends, a farewell to a colleague after work and staying in the city overnight results in no gone-ski items for two days. Does this bother me... nah!
We will get back to it.
Have a brilliant day Cheers from Deb (tired and looking forward to a sleep in)
What went out - 0 items
Zip (a-dee-do-dah)
What came in - 0 items
Naught (ty)
(1) No matter how committed you are, a night with friends, good food, fine wine and a sleep over cannot be overlooked as a spectacular excuse not to gone-ski items. (2) Note to self... SLEEP IN TOMRROW!!
With the digital world changing how we get our information, storage becomes the new bookshelf.
What Books Do I Keep?
Today I was looking at our book cases. I love the look and feel of books. They add warmth to the home and each one holds wisdom and adventure. So what will this look like in 5 years time? What about in 20 years? Will we be all fully online for everything? Then what will happen to all the books in the world?
My thoughts around this involves the constant shifting of storage types. I mean one upon a time we recorded digital media on tape drives, then floppy drives, then CDs, DVDs and now hard drives. Will there come a day when my hard drive will no longer be read by the device and programs I have. Then what? We are already looking at recorded media at our house that is likely not to be read. I have videos of me playing touch football 20 years ago that may no longer play.
Books on the other hand last as long as the paper (based on weather conditions etc). Stories in those books enable us to know cultures, people and events. The cultures we know little about are the ones that have not recorded their stories.
This tells me how little we really know. Makes me see the power of intuition and the travel across all time and space we can do by sitting in stillness to connect with that which we don't know.
So what will we do with our books? I don't know.
For now, I ended up finding 4 books I bought when pregnant that showed you how to unleash your child's genius. They are amazing books. One in particular came from the US and cost (wait for it) $140 to ship. The book was only $15. (clearly I am not over that!!)
From these books, I made a lot of props to support the stimulation of my gorgeous daughters genius. She was reading before she could speak.
So now it is time to get rid of them and the props. I will definitely be putting these on the 'for sale' pile.
As for the rest of the books... not sure what we are going to do with them. Time will tell.
Cheers from Deb (perplexed by the info storage challenges of the future)
What went out - 4 items
What came in - 0 items
Nothing again... (big fat silly smile)
(1) The world is in a constant state of flux... changing with it enables growth (2) It is not the book itself, it is the insights one gets when reading them, that creates value
It only takes 5 minutes a day to get into the habit of clearing out the clutter.
Clearing out is the easy part
Stopping the incoming items is the hardest part. The idiom 'nature abhors a vacuum' explains the tension 'naturally' generated when we deem a space empty. It is about redefining the space.
Is it empty or is it open and clear? What does a clear, clean space mean to you? How does it feel? Where will you put the time you used to invest in moving, cleaning and dealing with the clutter? What passion have you got inside your heart that now can be explored?
A reduction of items coming in has meant a big difference to us. We use our time differently. We use our space differently. We appreciate our things so much more.
This journey is changing our lives in a lovely, slow and permanent way.
You have two choices. To sit and do nothing or to get up and do something.
How Simple Actions Can Create Great Change
I opened up one of the sides of my dresser where I stash my soft 'warmies' (pullovers etc). I'm not sure if doing this in summer is smart or really stoooopid. Any-who, a quick try on session and out go 10 items. It felt really good. Someone in need is going to really like these.
This is how the should I or shouldn't I thing went down...
I was sitting in my chair watching TV after a long day. I really didn't want to do anything! However my nagging gone-ski angel was continually tapping me on the shoulder to get up out of that there chair missy. Boy she is pushy sometimes (secretly glad but putting on a sad face anyway).
I realised I had a choice to either sit there or get up and do something. The later was not appealing but I knew it was the truest thing to do. So I dragged myself out of my comfy chair and walked into the bedroom and looked around for a place to investigate. Bam...there it was, my 'warmies'.
I realised I had about 6 of the same kind of zip up pullovers (not really a pullover then are they...LOL). And some of them were just tired, not worn any more and needed to go out. Gone-ski!
The item shown in the picture is going up for sale as it is brand new but I've never worn it. Should add to our holiday fund nicely.
What went out - 10 items
Various pullovers - this makes up for yesterday (snicker)
What came in - 1 items
I bought a ceramic pot for an indoor plant that needs some loving
(1) Having others vote on whether to toss something helps a lot (2) You can only wear one thing at a time
Another day without gone-ski plus we brought 8 new items into the house.
I can hear my consumerism rules ringing in my ears
Sammi (miss 12) and I meet a dear friend for lunch (planned) and then went to the Gnostic Rocks (a gemstone shop on the Central Coast NSW Australia...also planned) to find a pendant. It was a planned shopping trip for something on my wish-list.
Strangely last weekend we dropped in at the same store as it was next door to where we picked up flowers for the 80th birthday party. And unexpectedly a piece jumped out at me....darn! It was a black ring, shungite. I loved it however I couldn't afford it, nor was it on my wish-list. I asked if they would hold it for 1 week to see if it really was meant to be mine.
When we dropped into the store today I showed my friend who immediately agreed it was my ring. I knew I couldn't buy it today...so put it on layby. Yay! Now to find the piece I came for. And it ended up being the first pendant that jumped out at me. It was a black smokey quartz unpolished, set in silver and open at the back. As soon as I put it on my whole chest activated and it radiated through to my back. Wow!
It was an obvious yes. I also picked up two black stones: a black taubaline and a black obsidian.
Sammi found herself the moonstone pendant she had on her wish-list. She paid for it out of her own money.
So how does all this stack up against the rules of the game?
The rules of the game: (1) Each day I will clear out at least one item from my life (2) More items are to be cleared, than to come into my life (3) No more gifting people with things that clutter (4) No purchase is made from impulse
Not bad...other than I didn't clear any items. No big deal, I will just have to clear out more tomorrow.
Cheers from Deb (in wonderment at the journey and the lessons)
What went out - 0 items
Oh dear... letting the team down here...LOL.
What came in - 8 items
Some jewellery, some stones, a new water bottle for school for Sammi and a camisole for me (all wish-list items)
(1) It feels different to shop with purpose (2) I love time out with my girlfriends and miss Sammi
Nothing to report for yesterday other than I notice we are distracted by other things. That happens...no biggy.
What happens when there is no more to clear?
Will this happen before we hit December 31st 2015? Will we run out of gone-ski items by day 365? Interesting question posed by Sammi (miss 12 yr old).
I think the harder this gets, the more we will learn about ourselves. When there are no more items to clear, I am sure there will be a level of gratitude beyond what I have known to date.
I have never wanted for anything other than my true hearts passions. I had everything I needed as a child and throughout the years. I have had tough times financially however over the last many years and it has brought home some truths. All this is leading me somewhere. I can feel it coming. Even the shadows are appearing to prevent the next leap.
It's amazing how when you are walking towards your higher calling, forces appear to block the path. I imagine most reframe this as an indication it is the wrong path. Perfect outcome for preventing the risk of failure, right? After all how would we be if after all this time we fail at the very thing we believe we are here to do?
A better question is...
Do we ever fail? Or is simply not trying the ultimate fail? or... Do we get so distracted by the 'false' life, the one we chase for our egos happiness...? How can we know?
All very cool questions to explore....have fun with them?
Cheers from Deb (shadow boxing in stillness)
What went out - 0 items
What came in - 0 items
(1) Awareness of all aspects of the journey bring freedom, including the shadows (2) The more tension applied the greater the results (let's see how we feel at day 365)
A quick look in my pile of jeans and pants and I find 3 gone-ski items.
Being tired and late causes consumer fever
Yesterday we had an appointment in North Sydney that finished at 7:30 pm. Jerry had to get up at 3 am for a film shoot and we were still 2 hours from home with no dinner in sight. Consumer alert!
We caught a cab to the station looking for a quick bite to eat...and there it was, an Italian restaurant with our name all over it. Both of us were tired, hungry and over the day. The perfect recipe for impulse consumerism.
We enjoy a pizza, a salad and a couple of glasses of wine. $60 later we were on our way home to bed.
How do I feel about that? Well, mixed feelings but the most important thing is it shines a light on our 'late to bed habits' and 'poor planning'. This is something within our control and good to see so clearly.
One of Steven Covey's 7 habits (of Highly Effective People) is 'sharpen the saw'. This means take the time to set yourself up for success. Prepare your tools, plan well, organise and action that which is important. It's a bit like painting, all the work and value is in the preparation...the painting is the icing on the cake.
We need to plan better, sleep more and look after our overall needs consciously.
This journey gives so much more to the whole of our lives than expected.
Cheers from Deb (the garlic breath adventurer)
What went out - 3 items
Pants that need to be set free...bye, bye.
What came in - 0 items
Doing a happy dance.
(1) Our home made pizzas are way better than a hurried Italian on a Thursday night (2)Down time is as important than action. Doing either half hearted will hold you back
When you do a little every day towards a choice in life, things shift permanently.
More space equals more connection
It is incredible to me how this small change have made such a big difference. Last night I was in our daughter's room as she was doing homework. The room felt different. It had more space in it for her to express herself. It looked cleaner even though she was busy with things here and there. It was inviting. It was actually the first time she had done her homework in her room...and the first time I had gone in and worked along side her.
I notice we are using the house differently. When an area is free from clutter it's much more inviting.
I don't know where this will end. Actually as I write this I realise it will never end... like anything we change, it keeps morphing and shifting as we continue to grow into our true expression of self. And as we discover more of ourselves and life, we lift our sights even further on our true (higher) self.
Hope your journey is evolving through your choices and actions...and not through circumstances.
When we are clear on our choices in life AND when we take action towards those choices, shift happens. Small daily actions become massive leaps in achieving an outcome. Ask any author, artist, sports person, academic, etc. You cannot 'cram' life. It just doesn't work that way. And no matter what circumstances occur, how far they bump you off the path, knowing the path and continuing to walk it is all you need to do. The moment you let circumstances guide you, you are at the mercy of everyone else's journey, not yours.
The trick is to be relentlessly dedicated to your choices, your outcome. You will be surprised at how quickly life shifts.. and your heart will start to blossom.
Cheers from Deb (a ponderer of life)
What went out - 1 items
Another loiterer in my wardrobe (what was I thinking...LOL)
What came in - 1 items
Can opener (had to replace our broken, silly billy one)
(1) Even the smallest, most modest of homes can be transformed by clean space (2) Nothing beats spending time with those you love
Let's explore this logic shall we? We get things and we can see they are beautifully made, good quality, etc. Yet for some reason it is not something we want, need or even like. You know the things I am talking about. That top your mum gave you, the dish you were given for your birthday, that ornament from your friend, that outfit your bought but never wear... the list goes on!
So what do we do?
Most of us keep them because of the sentimental value. Some can't get rid of them because "it's too good to get rid of it"... or "there's nothing wrong with it" or "but aunty Mary gave it to me". The list of reasons go on.
So how do we make the decision? What do we ask ourselves to enable the truest choice?
We could ask one simple question "If I didn't have this, would I buy it?" And if the answer is no, GONE-SKI!!
It's as simple as that. Isn't it? YES?....do I hear you say "but"? Explore your 'buts' there is gold in them there 'buts' folks.
The other side to this equation is of course to stop things coming in. This is a great opportunity to let your family and friends know not to buy you anything that will clog up your home
What if, giving it away helps both you and the person that gets it?
By taking the things out of your home / life that are not there by your choice, you clear the space, you enable other things to be welcomed, you don't carry that 'must, should, have to' energy, you detach from the consumerism story and you find a new sense of freedom.
By giving these things away other people benefit. And it is even better if they are quality items, that are loved etc. Why not make someone else's day by donating these things to people who actually WANT them?
By helping yourself, you help another. Perfect!!
Cheers from Deb (looking beyond the dilemmas)
(1) Holding onto items that don't add value to our lives, clogs our flow (2) People in need would be so joyous to receive items we hoard
What went out - 5 items
3 of my tops, 2 of Jerry's old (too good to get rid of...) sports coats...LOL
Yesterday presented many opportunities to fall off the non-consumerism wagon.
We simply ask "what's true to do?"
Due to the uncertainty of the day, we packed an extra set of clothes so we could attend a friends child's funeral without constraints. As it turned out we ended up with a handful of my fabulous work mates at a hotel in the city.
A couple of beers later decision number 1 why don't we grab a hotel and stay over night? We talked about it and decided to jump the 7:15 train and get home for an early night.
Then on the train ride home decision number 2 do you want to get Mexican? We rationalised (a lot!!!) and decided the left over pasta was a better option. I think we saved around $200... all because we didn't allow impulse to drive our decisions.
It is such a fine line. A few beers, a romantic notion of a hotel room, a sleep in etc. Too easy to say yes to. This time last year we would have definitely said yes to this. Now with our new focus, a dash of awareness and a clear intention, we are on our way to shifting many dysfunctional parts of our lives.
I am so proud of our decisions. I love our journey together.
Cheers from Deb (darn chuffed)
What went out - 5 items
1 pair of jeans, a top, a dress, and 2 gorgeous quality, but out of date sport coats (Jerry's).
What came in - 0 items
Nothing again...yay!!
(1) It is easy to say yes when you collude with your partner after two beers....LOL (2) There's no place like home... thanks Dorothy
I was soaking in the day relaxing after a fairly emotional day (for one reason or another). This involved a bushwalk, getting through the washing, and doing some graphic design.
I forgot to do my gone-ski duties
I was so tired, so relaxed and got a little lost in 'The Block' (TV show), that I TOTALLY forgot about finding some items to get rid of.
As I commenced writing today I was shocked that I hadn't done it. I was so disappointed and then I laughed at my reaction. So what, right!? We both know 'nothing really matters'... that it is only our relationship to what matters that gives us any grief.
The way we react is interesting and a gift if we are brave enough to look at it. For some this would be considered a failure and they would give up. Some would not tell you the truth just make something up to save face. Some would beat themselves up continually and rationalise it till they got a nose bleed. Getting the picture?
To be ok with 'what is' is an art form we learn as we become aware and real about life. It takes practice. Knowing 'what people think about you is none of your business' is a good place to start.
So with that in mind I happily share with you that there is nothing to report today. Nothing in and nothing out.
The funny thing is we may not be home tonight as we could be staying in the city depending on the turn of events this afternoon. So there may be another day of zero action. OH NO!! LOL.
What went out - 0 items
Don't say a word... LOL
What came in - 0 items
And very happy to report we have absolutely no urge to go to the shops... 'consumerism coma' habit broken
(1) Our reactions to life's circumstances are what cause the pain, not the circumstances. (2) Nothing matters, have a laugh and don't take life too seriously.
We enjoyed a magical day with my ex in-laws yesterday celebrating her 80th birthday and their 60 years of marriage. Amazing!
Incoming Gifts
This was the first time we had seen relatives since Christmas and the start of this new 'non consumerism' journey. We hadn't yet shared our journey with them. They had a gift for me for my birthday... a serving platter. What now?
It was beautiful (tick) and replaced the one we tossed out that had chips on the corners (tick). So I guess in a way it is welcomed, but did we really need it? (the jury is out) Probably not. None the less it is in the cupboard and we will see if we reach for it.
Outgoing Gifts
We, in turn, took gifts for their 60th wedding anniversary and her 80th birthday. We decided on flowers and a bottle of Moet... and a small glass diamond (in an old gift box we had lying around) signifying 60 years of marriage. When the celebration occurred we openly shared our hearts with them in the form of the spoken word (no on an expensive, environmentally irresponsible, store purchased card.) It was so warmly received and I am sure connected more to their hearts than the alternative.
What I loved was the amount of love that Steve (ex hubby) and his sister went to for their celebrations. Lisa organised a gorgeous cake and a letter from the queen, our Prime Minister, the Governor General, their local MP and another MP. Amazing and truly thoughtful gifts from the heart.
Steve organised champagne, made an awesome fruit platter and bought his mum a book. Very thoughtful and loving.
All in all, the day was full of love.... it was great!
Cheers from Deb (tears of appreciation in her eyes)
What came in - 1 item
Birthday present for me - the platter
What went out - 2 items
Two small nic-naks
(1) The spoken word is so powerful, especially from the heart (2) There are many gifts that mean so much, that costs nothing (financially, environmentally, emotionally) (3) Their is a sense of guilt from not 'gifting' in the traditional way - boy this really shines a light on the power of the media and the consumer calendar.
Love is such a special gift it is always worth celebrating.
All you need is love... (dah da da da daaaahhhh)
Love comes in many packages and in most cases challenges us along the journey. It is a
blessing to find a partner that understands and cherishes you. Deep love will push our buttons and have us grow into more of our hearts... that is, if we are brave enough to go the distance.
When it comes to a crazy tradition like Valentines Day, the expectations completely take over and have most of us join in the retail ritual of no return. So rather than be part of the consumer calendar perhaps we can dip into our imagination and create special moments from the heart and not the wallet.
Here are a few ideas...
Give your partner a loving massage with all the trimmings - music, lighting, essential oils.
Create a picnic and enjoy a cuddle under a tree
Write a little love note and leave it somewhere as a surprise
Watch his or her favourite movie with some home-made nibbles and a glass of wine
Take a different way home and stop off at the beach for a walk in the sand
Holding hands
Sharing your ice-cream for the very first time
Leave life's 'have to's' and spend time doing something together
Turn the TV off, leave phones in another room and BE with each other
Ask them on a date... create some fun around the anticipation
Enjoy every day you can as they're all special...as are you.
Cheers from Deb (high priestess of love)
What went out - 5 items
A couple of CD's, a game and a DVD
What came in - 0 items
(1) There are more than 50 shades of romance (2) Nothing beats authentic romance from the heart
Come on people...let's not get sucked into this: 'I know he loves me! He bought me a beautifully wrapped box of paraffin with artificial colours and flavours'... !!
Stupid is as cupid does
Valentines Day is a myth perpetuated by the retail industry to wake us up from the consumer hibernation after the post Christmas sales. We are jolted into a sense of panic of not buying 'just the right thing' for those we love.
The store displays and advertising generate a frenzy and intimate the more we spend, the more loving and romantic we are.
Does it guarantee love? Does it express the true message of our hearts? Does it mean we are good people?
What it does mean is there are more useless pieces of clutter, made in factories by people paid way too little, destined for the rubbish tip, and certain to keep people distracted from the true passions of the heart. In essence this false love burst is a reflection of the consumer collaboration keeping us from authentic living.
Choose carefully how you express your love this year. Keep it real.
What went out - 2 items
Jerry tossed out two (old) pairs of shorts
What came in - 0 items
(1) We are all on a commercial calendar programmed to spend (2) Many families (in the retail industry) rely on this calendar to feed their families. Deconstructing this entangled co-dependency needs to happen... considering all sides is important
TOTAL:OUT - 763IN - 66
TOTAL CASH sales from gone-ski items = $48 (one more sale yesterday)
It takes me only 2 minutes a day to clear our the crap.
Take the challenge
If you are a little sick of the closet you can't get one more thing in.... or ANYTHING out, then maybe this challenge is for you.
Once you finish reading this short little blog, get up off your chair no matter where you are (oh unless you are in a bus...LOL) and find five things you can trash, donate or sell.
Here are a few ideas:
Walk into your kitchen and open that second drawer and you will see heaps of things you can get rid of.
Go into your wardrobe and find five pieces of clothing you have not worn for over two years. I bet you find more than five.
Open your bathroom vanity drawer or cupboard and look at the empty bottles, half bottles, unopened bottles of lotions and potions...surely there are at least five that can go.
And last but not least....go to your shoes and see if you can find five pairs that need to be escorted out of the building.
I opened my wardrobe and found 7 tops I don't want any more... GONE! Yes, I know, over achiever (looking at the ground, kicking the dirt with my shoes)
What came in - 0 items
A big fat zero again...yay!
(1) Lots of people are joining me on this journey (how cool) (2) Its easy to make any change when you do it with friends
Have you ever had a closet so full you can't find a thing in it?
Less is definitely more!
Now that we are thinning out the crap, we are finding things we have been missing for years. Because we are tossing out the 'stuff', we are left with only the things we love and need... and we are not fighting through overfilled closets to get to them.
The truth is, we have a long way to go however it is becoming increasingly obvious that we have so much more when we have less.
Minimalism isn't really my thing... I don't think (scratching head now...hmmmm). You never know, maybe (reflecting now...I won't be a minute).
One thing is for sure, as we clear out the clutter and slow the flow in, we are living a much fuller life.
It is also obvious there is less for us to attend to at home. Less shuffling things around, less cleaning of 'stuff', less shuffling through piles, and less visual noise in the space.
I said to Jerry tonight that it will be interesting to see what our home is like at the end of this year. We are attempting to do this for 365 days. Perhaps we will end up with a few stools and a card table...LOL.
Cheers all from Deb Field (newly appointed queen of shift happens)
What went out - 8 items
Books - pregnancy ones and a few I will never read
What came in - 0 items
Love it when I write zero
(1) Empty space enables so much more (2) The demands of the material world are meaningless and empty (3) The desires of the heart bring sustainable joy
I wonder if this is getting boring. Items in, items out... (yawn).
Two purchases. But what's missing?
We picked up our new toaster and kettle...and they rock! And we didn't need the thrill of the rush, the carefree, hair blowing in the wind, rush that you get when you grab a bargain! It is a false high, a gratification that demands more and more and more!
It is a drug and I know I have been smoking that shit for a while now. Giving it up has been pretty easy which makes me wonder whether the addiction will go underground. They all do, don't they?
Will I find other ways of distracting myself from life? Or will I sit in the void and continue the journey back to my old self.
Door number 1: blood rushing, the thrill of the chase...see it's exciting! or... Door number 2: stillness, heart beating and energetic connection with everything around me. or.. Door number 3: absolutely no idea... perfect! I choose door number 3.
What came in - 2 items
Our new toaster and kettle
What went out - 3 items
2 pairs of socks and a toaster which is going to my ex hubby
(1) It's just a game, play full out (2) There are more doors than you know
We packed all the goods into bags to ensure they remain in good condition for sale at the charity shops. They're in the car ready to be dropped off.
All quality items went up for sale
We used a local online Facebook community of around 29,000 people to register our quality gone-ski items for sale. So far we have sold $48 worth of goods. The money is going into a tin can to be used for holidays and family fun stuff.
A couple of principles we followed:
Take good photos
Be descriptive
Make it a fair price or even a bargain
Hashtag your items so you can find them online (I used #debsgoodsforsale).
This enables people to look at all your stuff in one viewing
Take any fair offer
One example was a 1996 Guinness Book of Records. I don't recall anyone opening it. We put it up for $2. A young guy jumped on it and said SOLD. He came straight over. Turns out he is collecting every year and was so happy he gave us $5. Fancy that!
You never know what is gold to someone else...so test the market.
The way I look at it, these items will go to someone who wants them and in return we get a small return on our time and energy. This prevents them going into a rubbish tip or sitting around cluttering the charity shops.
What went out - 2 items
A couple of things from Sammi's room
What came in - 0 items
Nothing to report
(1) One mans trash can be another mans treasure (2) One mans trash can simply be trash